Lip Blush Tattooing and Cold Sores- What you need to know

Did you know that around 80% of the population suffers from cold sores? Most people will experience at least one cold sore at some point in their lives, some will develop an immunity when this happens, but most will not, meaning they will have reoccurring outbreaks.

What is a cold sore? Cold sores are a very common viral infection known as herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). They typically present as tiny fluid filled blisters that can arise on any part of the body but are most commonly found on or around the mouth. They usually appear in a cluster and once the blisters pop, a scab forms which can last several weeks. Cold sores are highly contagious and spread by close contact such as kissing or sharing utensils.

Once HSV1 has infected you, the virus will permanently remain in a bundle of nerve cells. Although outbreaks can be rare, many will still carry the virus. When something triggers the virus “or wakes it up”, an outbreak occurs.

Common triggers for cold sores are:

·       Stress

·       Extreme Temperatures

·       Hormones

·       Fatigue/Exhaustion

·       Illness such as the cold/flu

·       Injury or damage to tissue

As of now, there is no cure for cold sores, but there is treatment. Treatment is typically with prescription antiviral medications such as Valtrex or Acyclovir, but over-the-counter creams and ointments are often available. Some suggest that natural supplements such as Lysine can be helpful at preventing and treating cold sores as well.

Because we are causing controlled injury to the lip tissue during a lip blush tattoo, anyone who has experienced cold sores has a risk of developing one from the treatment. The good news is that if you suffer from frequent cold sores or have ever had a cold sore, it doesn’t mean you aren’t a candidate for lip blush tattooing. However, the reality is that your risk of developing a cold sore from lip blush tattooing will be elevated therefore, it is recommended that you talk to your doctor about a possible prophylactic or preventive dose of antiviral medication when considering a lip blush tattoo.

Even with preventive measures, there is no guarantee that you won’t experience a cold sore with lip blush tattooing. I have treated many clients who have a history with cold sores successfully, but I have had the occasional client have complications even with precautions which has resulted in additional touch ups being needed as additional costs to the client. In addition, those who suffer from frequent cold sores will often have scar tissue on the lips which can make pigment difficult to implant, requiring additional touch ups.

In any situation, when there is a history of cold sores, the client should talk to their doctor to discuss the correct course of action. I always have a discussion with my clients regarding this topic pre-procedure and have them sign off on my informed consent forms.  

A client must know that if they are to get a cold sore while healing from their lip blush tattoo, certain complications may arise. Best case scenario if they are to experience a cold sore while healing (and the most common scenario that I have experienced), the cold sore will stay isolated and pull-out colour in the one affected area resulting in an additional touch up being required. Worst case scenario, the cold sore will spread drastically with the open skin causing patchy colour and can even travel to other parts of the body such as the nose or eyes and require medical attention.

Some artists choose not to do lip blush on anyone with a history of cold sores which is absolutely ok if that would be out of their comfort zone. However, most artists choose to proceed with lip blush treatments once informed consent has been given and the client has agreed to do their part in taking preventative measures! My personal opinion is that cold sores shouldn’t hold you back from this amazing treatment, but one should always proceed with caution.
